Busy mums everywhere are looking to work online from home as an alternative place of work and although  and although working hard can bring success there is more to it than just having a computer and internet connection. Remember that this set-up is unlike the orthodox office environment. You need to make certain alterations in your working style, schedule, and even attitude to ensure productivity. Being strict with yourself by following some simple working guidelines will help you work online from home and  perform well. Here are six of them. 
1. To work online from home you will need a working area. This can be a spare room somewhere in the house or a space in your bedroom. One thing you have to keep in mind is that your work place or home office, should allow you to work with little or no interruptions. It should be well-lit and, ventilated and roomy enough to house your other office gadgets. Once you have sorted out your work place, orient your household members about it and ask them not to barge in whenever you are busy working. 
2. Set out a time plan to fit in with your family. Though there are online jobs that require you to work during specified hours, many jobs allow you to work online from home anytime of the day. Choose the time when you will work well and be very strict. Just like in a corporate office, you are not supposed to leave your work when you feel like it. Keep in mind that you should have a professional attitude even without a prying boss or officemates. 

3. Setting out goals for yourself is a good idea. Doing so can help you identify your priorities and allow you to manage your time. Write your goals in a journal and see if they are met at the end of your working day. Without outlining your daily goals, you seem to be shooting aimlessly and might achieve nothing in the end. 

4. Don’t let online distractions get in the way of your working routine. There are a great many of social networking sites, video streaming sites, downloading sites, among many. Not only can they slow down your computer, they can also take much of your time. Think about this, the full 30 minutes you spend watching a video is more or less the same amount of time you need to type one thousand-plus words. And you don’t want that significant loss, do you? It’s not that you are not allowed to visit any of these sites; it’s just that you have to make good use of your working time and be as productive as you can be. Remember, there’s the time you set out for work, and the rest is yours.

5. Breaks are very important so make sure you take them. The other extreme tendency in having a work online from home job is work overload. This is because work is just within reach and it is easier for you to spend more time doing it than relaxing. Working too much is not the way to do it, as this can potentially harm you in many ways. Take a break when you need to. Take your lunch on time. Have liquid breaks. Take a day off.

6. Getting away from your place of work and the computer is very important. Since your job now only involves you, a computer, and a virtual community, you need to get out and get connected with people. You can, for instance, have a movie date with your best friend or a slumber party with your ex workmates. You must never spend a whole week locked away in the house; find a way to spend at least a day somewhere.
While these guides can help you perform well, much of your success to working online from home still depends on your perseverance, dedication, and patience. If you want to work online from home and be successful then it is up to you to take it seriously.