The average worker changes their career many times during their lives, so it is never too late to start planning.

Career planning is not a difficult task; you don’t have to avoid it or put it off, rather you should seek to understand it. Planning your career should always be a positive experience.

Here are some successful career planning tips:
-Career planning as a regular event- In a year, many of us have regular appointments such as a visit to an eye doctor or a dentist. Similarly, you should do career planning regularly. Take some time off from your regular routine and plan out your career. Sit in a silent place and block out all distractions so that you can concentrate. By making career planning a routine event, you will feel secure about your career choice and growth. You will be prepared to tackle any adverse situation that may surface.

-Career planning from your last career plan- While planning your career, don’t forget to start from your last career plan and spend some time jotting down your career reviews. If your career growth has lots of ups and downs, sit and analyze and plan ahead. Past mistakes can guide you towards a better future. If you are content with your career growth, then continue along the path or find a significant way to grow further.

-Don’t neglect your likes and dislikes- While planning your career, don’t forget about your likes and dislikes, since your likes two years ago may have changed. Take time to reflect on the new developments in your personal life, not just on the job front.

Make two separate rows of likes and dislikes, and then use this list to analyze your current job path. If you feel your current job falls under the like column, then you can consider yourself lucky as you are on the right path. If it falls into the dislike category, then you need to examine your career and your available options. Career planning also gives you time to think about your hobbies and pastimes. It may sound bizarre, but sometimes these passions and hobbies give you insight into what you like doing on the job.

-Jot down your past activities- Generally, people don’t keep track of their accomplishments. Some past achievements can be included in your resume and can be useful while planning your career. Sometimes reviewing your past achievements can reveal successes that can help you plan your career.

-Look for transferable skills- Search beyond the regular options for new career openings. If you focus, you may find good career growth opportunities in that area. You might have some skills that can be applied to various jobs.

If you keep these tips in mind, career planning will be less of a chore and more rewarding.