Communication is the process of sharing information. In a simplistic form information is sent from a sender or encoder to a receiver or decoder.

Communication can be:

1. Verbal communication which requires language. A language is a system of arbitrary signals, such as voice sounds, gestures or written symbols which communicate thoughts or feelings

2. Non verbal communication, which does not need language to exchange ones thoughts. Silence is the best example. In certain contexts, silence can convey its own meaning, e. g. reverence, indifference, emotional coldness, rudeness, thoughtfulness, humility, aggressiveness. Silent communication shows more emotion than verbal. Non verbal communication includes gestures, body language, signs, symbols etc.

In everyday day life we come across various forms of communication. Between parties, communication content includes acts that declare knowledge and experiences, give advice and commands, and ask questions. These acts may take many forms, including gestures (nonverbal communication, sign language and body language), writing and speech . The form depends on the symbol systems used. Together, communication content and form make messages that are sent towards a destination. The target can be oneself, another person or another entity (such as a corporation or group

A particular instance of communication is called a speech act. A speech act typically follows a variation of logical means of delivery. The most common of these, and perhaps the best, is the dialogue. The dialogue is a form of communication where both the parties are involved in sending information. There are many other forms of communication but the reason the dialogue is good is because the dialogue lends itself to clearer communication due to feedback. (Feedback being encoded information, either verbal or nonverbal, sent back to the original sender (now the receiver) and then decoded.

Although we do not realize but in everyday we communicate with 10 to 1000 people in one way or the other may be directly or indirectly. All of us come across situations when things go wrong due to lack of communication. There can be various barriers in communication which may lead to such a situation.

Following factors can impede human communication

1. Not understanding the language

Verbal and non-verbal messages are in a different language. This includes not understanding the idioms used by another sub-culture or group. Not understanding the language also means that body language cannot be understood. One person may greet another person differently. If the two people do not understand each other then it can cause a rift in communication

2. Not understanding the context

Not knowing and or understanding the history of the occasion, relationship, or culture. Intent can be perceived differently by the receiver than what the sender intended.

3. Obfuscation

Intentionally delivering an obscure or confusing message

4. Distraction

Inadequate attention to processing a message. This is not limited to live conversations or broadcasts. Any person may improperly process any message if they do not focus adequately. Sometimes due to the “static”, or real life events that cause distraction. This is why an interactive form of communication, one with lots of questions and answers for clarity, would be best so it is easier to stay involved in the message and to have less miscommunication.

So communication is an important activity in one’s life. Whether humans or animals, everyone wants to share his feelings, his emotions, his thought, his ideas and hence develops one way or the other to communicate!